Pay Your Bills or the Saints Will Shame You

When the Saints go marching in, you better make sure your bills are paid and your debts are settled, or you will be publicly named-and-shamed.
Saint Champagne Bar & Lounge – a popular nightclub in Cape Town, Western Cape – evidently grew tired of some of their free-loading patrons and weaponised social media in the pursuit of justice.
On Saturday, 5 November, the establishment took to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram threatening to reveal the identities of regulars who owed huge tabs.
“Please note, you have 12 hours to pay your outstanding and overdue payment balances. Should you not pay the balance within the stipulated time, we would have no choice but to make your identities public on social media with your outstanding amounts,” the initial posts read.
However, the warning went unheeded and the dawn of Sunday, 6 November, brought with it the names and faces of local cheapskates. Twitter and Instagram erupted in response to the posts, with both tweeps and celebs joining in the judgemental shenanigans.
A user named Aus’T summed it up best when she tweeted: “Never thought I’d have a club give me enjoyment without me having to physically be there. Thank you, Saint Lounge CPT.”
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